
When storm season comes around, I pay close attention to the predictions of the meteorologists. With the help of radar and multiple other tools, the weather professionals can predict with decent accuracy the path of a storm that is headed in my direction. Here in the southeast US where I live, we have hurricanes and…

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I am not a fan of big thunderstorms with high winds and lightening. I enjoy sitting on the front porch when a nice rain shower comes through. My front porch faces southwest, and that’s where a lot of our storm fronts come from. The summer thunderstorms go about as quickly as they come. Every now…

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Praise The Lord Anyway

There are times when I’m tired and irritable and don’t “feel” like praising the Lord. I believe I should praise even when I don’t “feel” like. I’ve learned many times over the years that my feelings are quite fickle. My “feelings” can “turn on a dime” – in other words – they can go from…

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From Fear To Faith

I’m not generally a fearful person. I know what it’s like to be afraid. I’ve never had my life threatened by another individual. I have almost been in some bad automobile accidents. I have been in storms where I was somewhat afraid. As the leader of my household, I always try to appear confident and…

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