I Know

There are things that I know because of my experiences. I know that the sun will come up today and set later this evening. I know the difference between right and wrong. I know that there are good people and there are mean people. There are righteous people and there are evil people. The list…

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I consider myself a faithful friend to many. I am super close to a few friends and family members. To work with me is to know me. I don’t ever want to be pretentious or fake. It’s too hard to keep up a persona that isn’t me.  I do make mistakes. I do sometime hurt…

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Quiet Place

In our busy world, it’s a challenge to find a quiet place. When it’s quiet, I sometimes like music. I also usually have a podcast on when I’m driving. I also enjoy being around people and people are not usually quiet. There are times when my “quiet place” is more needed than at other times.…

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The Jewish culture in Scripture took the Sabbath day very seriously. They had some very specific rules about the Sabbath. They would begin preparing for the Sabbath each week on the day before, because you were VERY limited regarding the things you could do on the Sabbath. Sabbath means “seventh” I believe. It represents the…

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I was taught physical work when I was a kid growing up. My parents had lots of work to do around our mini farm. There were cows to milk in the morning and the evening. There were weeds to pull and a garden to tend.  We had a lot of grass to cut as well.…

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Powerful Spirit

I’ve seen the Holy Spirit of God move in power. I’ve seen Him change the lives of people. I’ve also seen people who pretend to have the Spirit of God. I have felt the Spirit of God settle in my heart. I have harmed the Spirit of God because of my behavior in the past.…

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