Proper Preparation for Burial

I’m not afraid to talk about dying, because I’ve recently heard that the death rate here on earth is now at 100%. We all die. That sounds insensitive, but it’s not meant to be at all. I do have some anxious thoughts about death for sure, but I know it’s coming. When I joined the…

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Crossed Up

I have met people before and we simple “hit it off” right away. We connect in a friendly way, yet somehow a level of genuine respect is clearly inferred. There are other times when there is an early disagreement that seems to “start things off on the wrong foot”. As time goes on, we can often…

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This is a word that has a couple of different uses for sure. Doing someone a favor is “doing a kind act for them out of the goodness of one’s heart”.  The other big use of this word is “friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill or held in regard”.  It is the latter that jumped from…

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I often look back on parts of my life with regret. I remember in 7thand 8thgrade being a disobedient and obnoxious kid. I constantly tried to impress my friends with my brazen disobedience to Mr. Chelf and Mr. Dunbar. These were both very capable teachers, and I treated them with disrespect. I had the opportunity…

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Humble Heart

There are so many times when my pride raises its ugly head and pushes humility out of my heart. I do believe that all sin can be traced back to pride. When I add “contrite” to my humility, then my position to the Lord is crystal clear. I am nothing without Him. I’m lost without…

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I have a lot of routines and activities of my day that I don’t think much about, I just do them. I don’t think much about washing my hands, but I do it often throughout the day. I sometimes eat without thinking about what I’m eating. It is my choice, but I don’t always think…

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