Honor & Respect

I know what it is like to be shown honor and respect. My kids have shown me both. Now, I must confess that there are times when I was shown neither by my kids and it was a pretty frustrating feeling. I believe that both honor and respect is earned more than demanded or commanded.…

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Welcome Words

In the past 3 or 4 years, the region where I live has been hit hard by the economic down turn. There were at least 5 failed banks and millions of dollars in wealth left our area due to the FDIC closing the banks and selling them off. These new owners of the banks then…

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Faithful Again

When I think about my faithfulness – I feel pretty good about it. If I look below the surface I see how unfaithful I am to the Lord’s call upon my life. He calls me to consult Him in everything. He calls me to trust Him in everything and with everything. I still go my…

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