No Excuses

I find myself making excuses all the time. I was running late and blamed it getting caught in the office. I could have politely excused myself about three minutes earlier and I’d been on time. I heard a preacher define “Excuse” many years ago and it has stuck with me. “An excuse is the skin…

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I once heard a preacher say that an excuse was “the skin off of a reason, stuffed with a lie”. I was a youngster when I heard that, but it made quite an impression on me.  I have caught myself making excuses for something I don’t want to do, even though I know I should…

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  I believe that I have friends and family that will support me and really stand up and defend me. If I go off and do something stupid or unlawful, there may be some who would still be with me, but others would desert me. Shortly after David had squelched the coup of Absalom, this…

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I heard one time that Reason was the opposite of Faith. I have really begun to question that concept for many years. Having faith is not for the uneducated and uninformed. There are reasons for what I believe and I believe that God is good with using my brain, which He gave me, to deepen…

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