
I sometimes don’t like competition, but it seems to be everywhere in our world. I dialed back the amount of sporting events I watch until I could get my heart right. I’m not one of these die-hard fans who die my skin the color of my favorite team. Those who know me well, know that…

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Fantastic Finish

  I have confessed before that I enjoy a NASCAR race every now and then. I really enjoy the last 50 laps of the race when things get a bit crazy. In lots of the races, the winner is determined in the last few laps, if not the last lap. I’ve learned in the last…

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When I was quite a bit younger, I used to run. I remember a time when I ran every morning (almost) with the preacher I worked with in Tennessee. He set the pace and it wasn’t fast, but we ran. I even worked up to the point that I ran the entire loop at Cades…

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