The Good Ole Days

I’ve been around people who talk about the “good ole days” like they were so easy. I can remember my grandparents referring to a simpler life – but it was also a hard life. I can remember the days before the digital pager. I can remember the days before cell phones. I can remember the…

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The Time Is Now

There is something special about being present in the moment. There are people who prepare their whole life to live and never actually live life and enjoy it. There are workaholics and lazy bums and everyone in between. Life is much like a balancing act.  As I was reading the story of Esther, I was…

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God is Present

I was reminded recently that the “present” is precious because we don’t have it long – it quickly becomes the past. The word present can also mean “gift”. I like that double meaning of the word because to be present and aware of how valuable the present is indeed a gift. There have been times…

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