
I used to play basketball a good bit. I played intramural basketball in college and then as I got older I moved to Church League men’s basketball. I tried being consistent shooting free throws, but honestly I was pretty terrible. The bad part was I played down low a lot and got fouled a lot.…

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What I Know

There are lots of things that I still don’t know. I learn new things every day. I am constantly learning “short cuts” on my computer. I’m learning new technology tricks daily. I’m discovering more insight into leadership and love with every passing day. I realize that there are lots of other things that I know…

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The WOW Factor

I love being “wowed” for the most part. There are some surprises that are a bit annoying. I love it when a person who is serving me or my family “over delivers”. I am impressed when someone goes above and beyond their job description or “call of duty” to serve with extraordinary skill and care.…

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His Strength

A paradox is a statement that despite sound reasoning leads to a conclusion that is seemingly senseless, illogical or contradicts itself. There are times when the word paradox adequately describes a situation. In my journey with the Lord I can think back to instances where my faith seemed illogical and unreasonable, but it was “spot…

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