Simple Yes or No

I sometimes have a hard time saying “No”. I read a book on parenting several years ago and the author said that parents should always try to say “yes” and when they simply can’t, then they can say “no”.  I like making other people happy and I say yes to make them happy. I’ve learned…

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I think everyone needs accountability, but I generally don’t like it when someone holds me accountable for something I’ve done wrong.  The law is actually built in accountability meaning I can’t drive as fast as I want to or I can’t do anything I want to when I want to do it. There are boundaries…

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Faithfully Follow

There is something special about someone who is consistent. There is something about someone delivering on their promises every time. That person is dependable, reliable and responsible. I may not like every decision that they make, but I have learned to respect people who live by their convictions. They are somewhat predictable as well. I…

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There are many synonymous of this the word faithful. I was thinking of dependable, steady, resolute, trustworthy, consistent, unwavering, sure, confident, straight & devoted to name a few. When I think of faithful, there are people in my past that come to mind. My grandmother (Mammie) was a faithful follower of the Lord. She had…

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I have struggled over the years with being a good listener. I do believe it’s a skill to be learned, but I also believe some people have a gift of listening. To be a good listener, I have to take the focus off of myself and really “tune in” to what the other person is…

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This word is often associated with a negative event that is on the horizon or has even recently happened. I think there are lots of things that happen that are a much lighter struggle then others. I don’t watch a lot of wrestling matches. I’m not sure that most of what people call wrestling on…

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