Crushed In Spirit

I can vividly remember the feeling of being crushed in spirit even when I was young as some fellow classmates were killed in a car accident. I remember the finality of their deaths and thinking about how life is a vapor. I can also remember being crushed in spirit 23 years ago spending my first…

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I love celebrations for the most part. I don’t really like when my opponent gets to celebrate a victory over me. I do like to celebrate wins and victories. I don’t like to celebrate in such a way that it rubs someone else’s face in it. I really like celebration where there’s lots of “winners”…

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Bad Ending

I have watched movies or TV shows that didn’t end well according to me. I like happy endings. I like it when a marriage is saved or a relationship with family restored. I like it when the guy and the girl finally see in each other what we the audience had seen all along. I…

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I’ve been to parties that are pretty lame. The music (What music?) is bad. The people are boring and dull. The food is ok, but the atmosphere is pretty dead. Then there’s the party that is rockin it! The music is fantastic; the people are dancing and having fun hanging out. There is laughter and…

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