I Did or I Did Not

I feel like life is made up of hundreds of choices every day. The simpler my life is, the less choices I have to make. When I’m crazy busy, I have lots of choices to make and they can’t always be delegated to someone else. When the dust of my day clears, I really make…

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Behind The Scenes

There are many things that go on with people holding public positions, but behind the scenes is where the real work is being done. I know that there are meetings that happen to develop a strategy to bring harm to a nemesis.  The things that go on behind the scenes often comes to light in…

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Do The Right Thing

I grew up being taught the difference between right and wrong. I learned the right things to say and I also learned the wrong things to say. I have been known to ignore the right thing because of anger or self-centeredness. I’m certainly not the only person on earth to struggle with doing right. It’s…

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Contrast – Right vs. Wrong

I remember being taught as a kid that it was always best to choose what was right as opposed to what was wrong. I soon learned that right and wrong are sometimes like moving targets. What was wrong to my parents was not wrong with other parents. The rules that I grew up following were…

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  I learned many years ago the difference between good behavior and bad behavior. I was taught as a child the difference between right & wrong. I’m sure I “pushed the envelope” many times with my parents and others in authority over me. I know I that my behavior was bad at times because I…

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The Fight Within

  I remember the cartoons when I was a kid that depicted the devil with a red body and a pitch-forked tail sitting on one shoulder whispering in my ear. He’s coaching me to do bad stuff. Then, on the other shoulder is an angel trying to coach me to do the right thing. I…

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