Improbable Incident

I can’t always explain away events that happen in my life. I do trust the Lord that He is in control and He always has an explanation even though I often wish He would share it with me. I have to accept on faith that He ALWAYS knows what He’s doing. I trust Him. Paul…

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I make lots of commitments each day. I put appointments down on my calendar several days or weeks in advance. I need to write my commitments down to keep track of them. If I put a meeting with someone on my schedule, then I have a commitment with them at that time. I have made…

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Important Appointment

I do my best to schedule my appointments into my calendar every day. I have some standing appointments that happen every week. For example, I attend church every Sunday at the same time (except when I’m out of town) and I have Sales Meeting every Tuesday at 9 AM with my Metro West REALTOR family.…

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