

This word carries a tremendously positive thought with it. It means, “to bring back, reinstate or return to a former condition, place or position.” The word also implies renovate and repair as well. Restore is a powerful concept. I see this woven throughout scripture because The Lord is in the “Restoration Business”. In Nahum he speaks of restoring His people. Check this out…

1 An attacker advances against you, Nineveh.

    Guard the fortress,

    watch the road,

    brace yourselves,

    marshal all your strength!

2 The Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob

    like the splendor of Israel,

though destroyers have laid them waste

    and have ruined their vines. (Nahum 2:1-2 NIV)

The psalmist speaks of the Lord restoring his soul. I’ve experienced this first hand. I’ve been broken and the Lord put me back together again. I’ve been pretty bummed out and stuck in a rut and the Lord picks me up again. It is way too easy to get down on myself and start thinking that I’m no good or I’m washed up. The Lord walks with me in the middle of those struggles and helps change my perspective. When I look in the mirror, the guy I see there can really get me down and mess with my soul. I struggle with my weight. I have a lot of imperfections on my face. I’m aging faster some days than others. I start putting significance on the things that don’t really matter but they still pull me down. The Lord restores me and loves what He sees. He restores my soul when I invite Him in. I need Him to do this frequently. Sometimes I need to be restored “to factory settings”. 🙂

Pressing On!


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