Protection & Presence

I remember as a kid that when I was scared, I just needed to be near my parents or grand-parents and fear would simply leave. Fast forward many years later, I still see fear coming and have learned to trust the Protection and Presence of God to help me put fear in its place. I have also learned that even when fear shows up unannounced, I can turn to the Lord and He walks with me through it. I can remember some very traumatic events that have happened in my life as an adult that really scared me, and He walked with me right through it.

I don’t always reflect on the Lord as a God of Justice. He is referred to as God of Justice. He is called a Consuming Fire. The Lord hates sin and He made a way through Jesus that sin can be neutralized and even destroyed. He speaks through Isaiah of how He plans to destroy the country of Assyria for their evil deeds and destruction of His people. He also reminds those who ignore Him that they are not safe either. Check this out….

10 But the Lord says: “Now I will stand up.
    Now I will show my power and might.

14 The sinners in Jerusalem shake with fear.
    Terror seizes the godless.
“Who can live with this devouring fire?” they cry.
    “Who can survive this all-consuming fire?”
15 Those who are honest and fair,
    who refuse to profit by fraud,
    who stay far away from bribes,
who refuse to listen to those who plot murder,
    who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong—
16 these are the ones who will dwell on high.
    The rocks of the mountains will be their fortress.
Food will be supplied to them,
    and they will have water in abundance. (Isaiah 33:10,14-16 NLT)

I don’t want freeze in fear about what is next – the Lord knows.

I don’t want to ignore the Presence of God in me as I face fear.

I want to trust in the Lord to help me keep fear in check and not be dictated to by fear, but let my faith take over. I will continue to talk to the Lord when I’m fearful. I will continue to let Him have control of my heart. I will continue to ask Him to direct my steps. I trust the Lord with everything within me. He knows the whole picture. He knows my fears. He knows my faith. He knows me like no one else.  I want every facet of my life to honor Him and reflect Him to others.

Pressing On!


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