Prophet & Prayer Warrior

I am enjoying my journey through Jeremiah. He writes clearly for the most part and I can grasp and understand what is happening during his time as prophet. I can also see His relationship with God in the middle of the chaos that his country is in. He is obviously a prayer warrior as well as a prophet. He is given boldness through his times of prayer. He pens some beautiful prayers that move my heart. Check this out….

Lord, there is no one like you.

    You are great,

    and your name is great and powerful.
 King of the nations;

    you deserve respect.

Of all the wise people among the nations

    and in all the kingdoms,

    none of them is as wise as you.
8 Those wise people are stupid and foolish.

    Their teachings come from worthless wooden idols.
16 But God, who is Jacob’s Portion, is not like the idols.

    He made everything,
and he chose Israel to be his special people.

    The Lord All-Powerful is his name.
23 Lord, I know that our lives don’t really belong to us.

    We can’t control our own lives.
24 Lord, correct me, but be fair.

    Don’t punish me in your anger,

    or you will destroy me.
25 Pour out your anger on other nations

    that do not know you

    and do not pray to you.

Those nations have destroyed the people of Jacob.

    They have eaten them up completely

    and destroyed their homeland. (Jeremiah 10:6-8; 16; 23-25 NCV)

Jeremiah is introducing me to the God of the universe. He wants others to know Him and follow Him with their lives and their journey here on earth.  When I recognize the all-consuming power of God, then I’m swept off my feet by the amazing Grace He offers for my stupidity an inconsistency. He loves me in a way that I find hard to grasp. The only love relationship that really helps me understand the heart of God is my relationship with my children. I love them without condition. I love it when they love me back, but I would love them anyway. God loves me more than that.

The theme that is woven throughout these writings of Jeremiah is his willingness to pray on behalf of his country and his neighbors. He is quite the prayer warrior interceding on behalf of the nation of Judah against her enemies.  I really appreciate seeing the prophet’s heart come out in his prayers. Real honest prayer reveals the heart of the prayer warrior. Jeremiah is a great prophet and prayer warrior and he speaks into my life today!

 Pressing On!

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