Praise The Lord Anyway

There are times when I’m tired and irritable and don’t “feel” like praising the Lord. I believe I should praise even when I don’t “feel” like. I’ve learned many times over the years that my feelings are quite fickle. My “feelings” can “turn on a dime” – in other words – they can go from one extreme to another in a millisecond. I have experienced growth in my heart when I praise the Lord even when I’m down or bummed about something.  One of my favorite ways to praise God is to sing and play guitar.  I can praise Him by lifting my hands. I can praise Him with words. I can praise Him with music. I can praise Him by being in the presence of others who are praising Him.

I love the shortest Psalm as it gets right to the point. I love The Message version of this. (I’m thankful for Eugene Peterson who labored for years to bring this version to life.) Check this out….

1-2 Praise God, everybody!
    Applaud God, all people!
His love has taken over our lives;
God’s faithful ways are eternal.
    Hallelujah! (Psalm 117:1-2 The Message)

I will praise the Lord no matter what because I’ve seen His track record. He is faithful to me even when I act like I don’t know Him. He has never left me. I don’t know all there is to know about Him, but I trust Him. I’m still learning more and more about His heart as I praise Him in the darkest storms or the most extravagant celebratory party. Today and every day, I seek to praise Him!

Pressing On!


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