No Matter What

3D Keep Calm God Loves You Button Click Here Block TextThere are times when something is simply the way it is. For example, there is a law of nature, a law of motion, or a law of human nature. There irrefutable laws that are always true. I don’t always think of these laws until I come face to face with one of them.

I have some deep convictions that I own, and I simply won’t negotiate on those, no matter what the circumstance. I believe truth is truth no matter the circumstance. Some people believe that truth is relative to the situation or circumstance.

Paul opens his first letter to the Thessalonian church with some compliments for their faith in action. Check this out…

 So you received the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought you. In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord. As a result, you have become an example to all the believers in Greece—throughout both Macedonia and Achaia. (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 NLT)

I know what suffering feels like and I would rather avoid it if I can. I learned a long time ago that there are times when suffering seems to choose me. I’ve decided that I will follow the Lord no matter what I have to walk through. I can’t think of any circumstance that I might face that I would stop following Him. My trust in Him has grown deeper in the midst of my suffering. He brings peace in the midst of my suffering. He comforts my soul in the middle of suffering. He directs my path when I’m suffering so profoundly that I can’t seem to find my way.  In the middle of suffering and struggle, I’ve decided that I will follow the Lord. I want to live for Him and walk with Him no matter what situations I find myself in.

Pressing On!


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