Liar Liar

I don’t like to admit that I’ve told a lie, but there are times when there is not an easy answer. I just tried to justify a lie. How do you answer some of these questions?

Do you like me?

Do you notice anything different about me?

Do you think that woman (or guy) is hot?

Are you as happy as I am?

Does this dress or these pants make me look fat?

Those are just a few tough questions where the truth is best, but it certainly has consequences. I’ve had to repent more than a few times because my intentions were harmless, but a lie is a lie. I’ve never liked being lied too. Lying is big time disrespectful. I think the Lord HATES lying because He is the Truth. He wants me to ALWAYS be truthful. I’m working on some good honest answers to these “loaded” questions. Check this out….

I took my troubles to the Lord;
    I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer.
Rescue me, O Lord, from liars
    and from all deceitful people. (Psalm 120:1-2 NLT)

I have talked to the Lord about being honest EVERY time without being destructive or hurtful. There are times when these two appear to be polar opposites. The older I get, the more I value truth and honesty. I would rather someone be brutally honest with me than to lie to my face. For example, I’ve always struggled with my weight. I was the kid who wore husky jeans as a kid. I am determined to be healthy and maybe even thinner someday. I had a guy tell me that I looked like I had gained a lot of weight. While that comment stunned me, it was straight up truth. I admit, he could have been nicer about it, but he didn’t lie. There has to be a way to be completely honest with each other. I’m doing my very best to ALWAYS be truthful and honest about EVERYTHING. Please don’t ask me if you don’t want my perspective, my opinion or my feelings about things.  If I’m really pressed on some hard to answer question, I may have to plead the “5thAmendment”!

Pressing On!


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