I Resolve to NOT Make New Resolutions


Happy New Year 2016 I’ve made my share of New Years Resolutions in the past with limited success. This time comes every year and it seems like a good time to start something new or “turn over a new leaf”, but this year I’m resisting the urge to do that.

This year I’m going to strengthen and build up who I already am. I already have a unique DNA in my physical body. I want to strengthen my Character DNA.

I want my faith to grow deeper and more mature.

I want my positive attitude to grow stronger.

I want my marriage to grow stronger.

I want my family to grow closer.

I want my work ethic to expand.

I want my keep listening to my body.

Watering and cultivating who I already am is where I’m at and where I’m headed in this new year! I don’t need to add a lot of new resolutions and self-induced pressure – I simple need to build on who I already am!

Pressing On!


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