Heart Test
I’ve seen some amazing technology related to testing the heart. I’ve seen the medical team put dye in the veins of a human to see the blood flow through the heart. This test reveals blockages or how well the heart is functioning. They can also do an ultra sound of the heart to investigate the condition of the heart, chambers and valves. My heart is one of the most critical organs in my body.
Throughout scripture the Lord is speaking of my heart and the condition of my heart. He is not speaking specifically about the vital organ inside my chest, but He’s speaking to my soul (my emotional center). I’m sure a neurologist would have some input on where in my brain this “soul” or “emotional center” exists.
Moses is instructing the people of Israel about following the Lord fully and trusting Him completely as they enter the Promised Land and become successful. He reminds them to remember the Lord and how the Lord protected them and prepared them. Check this out…
2 Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. (Deuteronomy 8:2 NIV)
He reminds them that their clothes did not wear out or their shoes wear out. When they needed food, the Lord provided.
I believe that the Lord uses suffering and challenges to reveal my heart. I sometimes reflect on the journey of divorce and the journey of cancer as two of the most difficult parts of my life. I’ve experienced great hurt and pain, but those two pretty much trump most everything else. The Lord did some incredible work on my heart during those traumatic times. My heart was exposed and everything inside wasn’t healthy and wholesome. I want to follow the Lord fully even through the hard times or the times of blessing and even wealth. I want my heart to stay steady in pursuit of His heart. I want to keep myself humble and fully aware of His Presence in every situation that I face. When the Lord examines my heart, I want Him to find a heart fully devoted to Him.
Pressing On!