
I went to the hearing specialist with my Dad last week. My dad woke up from a nap a few weeks ago and the hearing in his one good ear was gone. My family is exploring all options to help him regain his hearing.

I enjoy waking up in the early hours of the morning when the house is quiet. In the silence of the morning, I can begin preparing for the day ahead.  I think if I walked around in silence all day, it would be hard. My Dad’s hearing was damaged when he was younger and now in his sunset years of life, he’s suffering a profound loss of hearing.

This morning, I came across a passage of scripture that involved Peter. Peter was a Jew, who tried to follow Jewish law and customs. He was also a close follower of Jesus. Jesus has been crucified and rose from the dead. Peter was at the home of a friend when he had an afternoon vision from the Lord showing Him all sorts of food that was unclean, according to the Jewish laws and customs.  The Holy Spirit told him three times to get up eat. He pushed back, but the Lord challenged Peter to not call something “unclean” that the Lord had made. The story unfolds a bit more, but the Holy Spirit kept speaking. Check this out….

 19 Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men have come looking for you. 20 Get up, go downstairs, and go with them without hesitation. Don’t worry, for I have sent them.”

21 So Peter went down and said, “I’m the man you are looking for. Why have you come?” (Acts 10:19-22 NLT)

I don’t want the Lord to have to hit me in the head to get my attention. I want to hear when He speaks. My spiritual hearing is often way worse than my physical hearing. As I read the Word of God, my hearing of God speaking is fine tuned. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God. He speaks to me. He directs my path. He cautions me. He counsels me. This is all contingent upon my listening to Him.

When the Holy Spirit speaks, I want to listen carefully.

When the Holy Spirit directs, I want to do what He says and go where He says to go.

I want my hearing of the Holy Spirit to get sharper and sharper the longer I’m on this journey in pursuit of God. As I age physically, my hearing seems to be falling off a bit. I want my spiritual hearing to increase as I listen to Him.

Pressing On!


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