Gratitude Giving

Our church hosts a Thanksgiving Offering every year right before Thanksgiving and it’s meant to remind us to be grateful for all we have been blessed with. There have been years when I haven’t “felt like” I’ve been blessed. As I walk my faith out with the Lord, I realized that I have been blessed in more ways than I can count – even in those times I couldn’t see it. Gratitude is a subject that I’m learning more about as I stop and think. Even when situations look hard or bleak, I have much to be thankful for. Even when I’m tired, I can be grateful for the strength that I have.

I came across and interesting situation that Mark records in his gospel. Jesus sits by the collection box and watches. He then teaches His disciples about gratitude giving. Check this out…

41 Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. 42 Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins.

43 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. 44 For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.” (Mark 12:41-44 NLT)

I was reminded by this scripture that Jesus is always watching my contributions. It’s not a secret from Him what I give or withhold from giving. He loves it when I give from a heart of gratitude. He loves when I give cheerfully. He loves it when my perspective is immersed in gratitude. My giving that comes from gratitude for Him saving my soul blesses Him. My giving that comes from gratitude of His favor and His blessing upon my life blesses Him too.

A grateful heart will result in my going above and beyond in my giving. My giving is not just about money. My giving is about my time and my energy. My giving is about my gifts and abilities. A grateful heart calls me to give myself to Him to use however He needs to. I want to grow and expand my gratitude giving.

Pressing On!


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