

Neck TensionWhen my expectations are not met, I can easily get frustrated. I can get frustrated with just about anyone for anything. Frustration is a relative of anger. I can sometimes go quickly from frustration to anger, but for the most part I usually spend a few moments in this area prior to moving on to anger. The word frustration by definition is being dissatisfied or disappointed in someone or a situation.

The Lord was frustrated with His people because they had stopped following His ways and they now worshipped other gods. He allowed them to be captured by some of the nations nearby. They finally got desperate enough to cry out to the Lord. Check this out…

15 But the Israelites said to the Lord, ‘We have sinned. Do with us whatever you think best, but please rescue us now.’ 16 Then they got rid of the foreign gods among them and served the Lord. And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer. (Judges 10:15-16 NIV)

The humility of these people moved the heart of God. They humbly repented and He rescued them. I have to confess that when I’m frustrated, I really just want the other person to take ownership of their choices and/or mistakes. When God’s people repented and turned from their bad choices, He was inclined to come rescue them.

I believe that frustration will always be a part of the world I live in because there are humans here. We humans are infallible, mistake prone people. I’ve had friends who frustrate me and they are still my friends. I’ve had clients and customers who frustrate me and I will still work with them and for them. I’ve had employees that frustrate me and they are still on the team. Frustration is not something to be taken lightly, but I try to keep frustration in perspective. If I act out of frustration, I’m inclined to make mistakes. I see frustration as an emotional response that can and should be managed to avoid full-blown anger and actions that are regretful.

The Lord is so patient with me when I frustrate Him. I can’t help but learn to be more patient and try to work through frustration without an over reaction. I’m confident that I’ve frustrated the Lord many times on many levels. I’m so thankful for His forgiveness and His rescue even though I deserve punishment.

Pressing On!


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