Desperate Need


Beauty girl cryI have been afraid before. I do know what it is like to feel desperate. I also know what it’s like to be in desperate need. I must say that I’ve never missed a meal or had to go any length of time at all without food. I’ve never been without a home. I have truly been blessed many times over for many years. I still know what desperation feels like. There have been events happen in my life that I had very little or no control over. I know what it’s like to be desperate for the Lord to intervene and help.

Asaph, was the worship leader for David, I think. He is a musician so we know he’s probably certainly somewhat emotional. He writes with passion and purpose. I can feel in his writing a close and deep relationship with God. He approaches the Lord at a time of desperation. Check this out…

Do not hold against us the sins of past generations;
    may your mercy come quickly to meet us,
    for we are in desperate need.
Help us, God our Savior,
    for the glory of your name;
deliver us and forgive our sins
    for your name’s sake. (Psalm 79:8-9 NIV)

Desperate needs can give us intense focus.

Desperate needs can give us incredibly humble hearts.

Desperate needs can drive us to fall at the feet of the Lord asking for His help.

I don’t like feeling desperate need. I’ve grown in my journey to know that the Lord is not desperate. He is not surprised by my situation or circumstances. He will help me. He will use my desperate need to reveal more of His heart and His purpose for my life. My desperate need is often a deep teachable moment for me and those close to me. He doesn’t waste moments of struggle, hardship or desperation – I learn much about God’s heart in the depths of desperate need. I was reminded of this promise that Paul writes to the Philippian church:

19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 NIV)

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