
I will often get a confirmation number when making a reservation or an appointment. The confirmation number is a validation of the reservation or event that is about to happen. I make appointments often to show property or have another agent show a property that I’ve got listed and will confirm the appointment via text or email.  A confirmation is like verification and it feels good to know that there is a mutual understanding regarding the event that is about to take place.

Jesus’ ministry with His disciples was breaking new ground in their world as well as the culture where He was teaching and investing in them. He was shaking things a bit because the religious leaders of the day had skewed the law and added some of their own biases and pet peeves to the law. Jesus introduced Himself as the Hope of the World. As the end of His ministry was drawing near, He began to tell His disciples what was coming. They didn’t want to hear it. This last Passover meal was special and Jesus introduced what we now refer to as “the last supper”. Check this out…

22 As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take it, for this is my body.”

23 And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. 24 And he said to them, “This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice for many. 25 I tell you the truth, I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it new in the Kingdom of God.”

26 Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives. (Mark 14:22-26 NLT)

As I read this familiar passage, I was drawn to the word confirmation. Our church observes what is now referred to as “the Lord’s supper” each week. This Sunday when our church meets, I be reminded of the confirmation that this simple act of the bread and juice represent. This act of remembrance has been celebrated for years and it is confirmation of Jesus sacrificial death on the cross.  I don’t ever want to take it for granted. It is not a meal with substantive nutritional value, but it is a meal with tremendous spiritual value to me as a follower of Jesus. I want to lean into that confirmation through times of trouble, discouragement and even pain. Jesus gave His life for the forgiveness of the sins of the world. He made a way for me to have direct access to the Father.

Pressing On!


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