
I recently had to go to the Optometrist for my annual eye exam. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m old and I’ve been wearing bifocals for nearly 15 years. I’m wear mono lenses, where one lens is for near, and one lens is for far. The doc and I were discussing the eye that focuses on my iPhone and computer. In the exam room, it seemed obvious that I should adjust that one. After all, I had my phone there with me. I get back home the next morning when I put my new lens in, and I couldn’t compose an email. I had to revert to where I was for now. I am amazed at the technology that corrects our vision and provides for me to see clearly.

I can’t really imagine what it would be like to never seeing anything to being able to see clearly in a matter of minutes. That’s just what happened when Jesus healed a blind man. Check this out….

25 Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly. 26 Jesus sent him away, saying, “Don’t go back into the village on your way home.” (Mark 8:25-26 NLT)

I’m also in need of God’s Presence in my life so that I can so many other facets of life clearly. I see how things appear to be but is that really the way they are.

Many times, things are not as they appear, they are the way someone wants me to see them. If I don’t have all the missing pieces of the puzzle, I might decide something based on my perception. I am always seeking clarity. I want to make sure I have all the information possible before deciding.

It is sometimes comical and painful to look back on decisions that I’ve made when I didn’t have all the facts and insights needed. Sometimes these were big mistakes. I have often said that I made the best decision based on the facts in front of me at the time. Research can only take me so far in finding clarity.

I have started praying for clarity at a different level because I’m in a different place in life. I don’t lake making decisions without clarity and then watch others get hurt. I believe the Lord can drop ideas into my spirit that gives clarity and insight to a decision I’m faced with. I often wish clarity would come faster.  The Lord can give clarity to me in a millisecond on some things but take a lot longer on others.

I’m praying for clarity on multiple levels as I begin this day that ends one calendar year and begins another.  I want the Lord to touch me every day and give great insight and clarity to decisions in front of me.

Pressing On!


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