
I remember hearing people talk about receiving a calling from God. I wasn’t sure what they meant by that. Did God speak to them in a booming, deep voice? Did He send them a direct message calling them to do something?  I didn’t understand the “called by God” concept until I had a personal experience of my own. I think God calls every Christ follower to serve. I don’t need to hear a voice from heaven to know that – it is woven throughout Scripture. I also don’t need a personal experience to know this. When I accepted Christ, I felt compelled and called to share this news with others.

I found a sentence inside a paragraph in Romans that reminded me about how God calls people.  Check this out…

(This message shows that God chooses people according to his own purposes; 12 he calls people, but not according to their good or bad works.) (Romans 9:11b-12a)

As I seek the Lord, He calls me to Himself.

As I follow His calling, He works through me to call others to Him.

God’s Word is instrumental in understanding my calling from the Lord. His Word helps me when I have doubts. His Word helps me when I don’t understand. His Word keeps my faith grounded.

I can’t always explain a calling upon my heart. I still feel called after all these years to share what He is saying to me. I don’t consider myself to be a polished, well-trained theologian. I’m simply a follower of God listening to Him as He directs my path each day. I’m called to serve. I’m called to love. I’m called to lead others to Him.

Pressing On!


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