I am not afraid of blood. I recently had a minor altercation with a bar sticking out about head height while I was cutting grass with a riding lawn mower. When I hit the pipe, it about knocked me off the mower. After stopping to assess the damage, I didn’t feel blood, so I finished…
I enjoy living in Georgia where we have four seasons for the most part. Every now and then, we have such a mild winter, or a hot spring and it feels like we skipped a season. There are also more than four seasons of life. I have had seasons where I felt really close to…
I’m not a person who loves or thrives on confrontation. I don’t see a lot of value in running from confrontation when I see it coming. Confrontation conversations can be awkward and hard, but very healthy. I once heard Dave Ramsey say that “to be unclear is to be unkind”. I think confrontation doesn’t always…
I think it’s a good practice to look back at my history every now and then. How did I get here? What are some of the choices that brought me to this place in life? Who are some people that I connected with along life’s journey that helped me to where I am? The answers…
I remembered an old saying that I still hear being repeated…. “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back”! The picture I have in my mind is a camel loaded with supplies and belongings for a family and one last thing was thrown on his back and he broke down. The straw is obviously very…
I love the taste of good food. You can tell by looking at me that I haven’t missed many meals. LOL! A couple of my favorite lunch places is The Mustard Seed at City Station and The Highland Deli. Our town has some amazing eateries in the downtown area. I enjoy a good piece of…
It seems like the presidential elections never stop going. Once a new president is elected, the process is started to think about who will replace him or her. The new president is starting to think how he/she can earn four more years. In our local area, we have county commission races getting underway and also…
I learned a long time ago that a nice house doesn’t make a home. The family inside the home are what make it home. I want to be where my family is, and we can adjust to most any place. I think it probably goes without saying, but a sharply dressed man or woman doesn’t…
There have been times in my life where justice was served. People who know me, know that I have a bit of a struggle when it comes to driving within the speed limits set by law. I try to live on purpose and I am often pushing hard to get to my next appointment. I…