A Place For God

welcome home written in colorful magent lettersI grew up thinking that church buildings were sacred and holy. I learned to not run and play inside the church. I was supposed to be reverent and respectful. I’m pretty confident that my family wasn’t the only one who taught this concept. I really think that this concept came from more of an Old Testament view of worship than a New Testament view.

Solomon is about to build the magnificent temple for God. His Dad, David has got many of the materials together for the build. Solomon wrote a letter to Hiram, the King of Tyre to get materials for the build. Solomon puts perspective on building the temple that I think is wise. Check this out…

5 “The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. 6 But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him? (2 Chronicles 2:5-6 NIV)

I believe Solomon was wise beyond his years. The Lord is not confined to a temple or church building, a spot of land, a country or a continent. He is bigger than this country boy and my finite mind can understand or fathom. I keep seeking Him though. I want to know Him more. I can’t begin to put into words the value of the journey with Him leading me.

I do believe that God wants to make His home inside my heart and inside the hearts of those who love Him and seek His face. I can’t properly describe the concept or explain it, but I believe that He lives in me. Check this out…

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV)

I don’t serve a God who I go someplace to see and be in His Presence. I’m always in His Presence. I don’t have to go to Him – He came to me. His Son came from heaven to be the perfect, ultimate and last sacrifice needed for sin. There is really no need for a temple for sacrifices. My heart is now His home and I’m called to surrender my heart to Him. I realize that my body is getting older and one day will fail, but then I will be in His Presence forever. I definitely need to be more aware of His Presence in me instead of a building or a place. I don’t deserve Him, but He delivers Grace and Mercy in unlimited supply. Holy Spirit, you are welcome here in my heart!

Pressing On!


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