Wisdom, Insight & Affirmation
There are things that I know from experience. There are things I believe based on what I know. My convictions and my deep faith are not open for debate. I believe in God the Father. I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe in the Holy Spirit – His Presence in me continues to shape me and build me. I don’t know everything for sure, but these things I know, and I believe.
Job has lost everything, including his health. His friends are calling him out on some of his rants. He is frustrated with God, but he stops short of cursing God. In Job’s response to his friend, Zophar, he gives insight and affirmation to what he believes. Check this out….
10 For the life of every living thing is in his hand,
and the breath of every human being.
11 The ear tests the words it hears
just as the mouth distinguishes between foods.
12 Wisdom belongs to the aged,
and understanding to the old.
13 “But true wisdom and power are found in God;
counsel and understanding are his. (Job 12:10-13 NLT)
I want to lean into what I know about the Lord until my feelings catch up. My feelings are a bit fickle and they are sometimes all over the place. My faith trumps my feelings. This didn’t happen for me overnight. As I walk with the Lord daily and talk to Him about everything, He gives me wisdom, insight and affirmation.
I want the Lord to keep speaking to me and leading me, whether things are going good or bad.
I want the Lord to teach me from His depth of wisdom.
I’m so thankful for the Lord’s patience with me and oh goodness, His Amazing Grace.
I want to live for Him all the days of my life. I want others to know Him and trust Him.
Pressing On!