I have two eyes that work pretty well considering my age. Actually my eyes work good if I’ve got my contact lenses in place. I can see the things of life, beautiful people and God’s incredible creation. I love to look at the sky at sunrise and sunset so see the particular colors and cloud formation.
Someone said, “the eyes are the windows of the soul.” I need to be aware of what my eyes see and take in. I need to be cautious with movies, tv shows and certain people due to the way that dress or act. I should always keep my eyes on the Creator.
Solomon had some strong words of wisdom related to my eyes. Check this out…
21 The Lord sees everything you do, and he watches where you go. 22 An evil man will be caught in his wicked ways; the ropes of his sins will tie him up. 23 He will die because he does not control himself, and he will be held captive by his foolishness. (Proverbs 5:21-23 NCV)God sees what I do and God sees what I see. I need to protect my eyes because they can invite me a destructive life of sin. I need to keep the “window of soul” free from the clutter of sin.
I want to keep my eyes laser-focused on the author of my salvation. I want to be content with the blessings that come from Him. Lord, I want to be strong in the face of temptation.
Pressing On! Dwayne