The Greater Song


Blog by Kristen Hicks

I am mad….YES, mad! I am fired up! And I am NOT going to apologize for it!

There has been this theme, this lie, this piece of crap idea, running rampant lately. The thing that I’ve noticed is that it isn’t just in me either. I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with people even in the last week and they have all had this common thread running through them.


Ugh!!! In my head, I am kicking the dirt, and mumbling frustrations, possibly hinted with implied cuss words under my breath, at even the thought of this word. I am sick of it!!!

Let me clarify, by saying, I am NOT sick of the people dealing with this. That is not who I am calling out. NOPE! I am declaring war on the enemy! Yep, you heard me, mr. satan, himself. It’s on dude!! I’ve had enough!!! It’s hurting too many people that I care about! This has gone too far! It’s gone so far, that I’ve literally heard some of these amazing people say, “This is something I’m going to have to deal with for the rest of my life.”

NO!!!!! HECK NO!!!!!!

That lie is coming straight up from the PIT OF HELL itself!!!!!!!

This isn’t some midlife crisis, a season to embrace, and it sure as heck isn’t coming from The Father that loves us. It’s coming from the false father, the father of lies. I’ve said it before, fear isn’t something to get comfortable with. It isn’t something to embrace, it isn’t something that is protecting you. All the enemy does is steal, kill and destroy. You know this! So what this fear is doing, is it is stealing your inheritance, it is killing your joy, and it is destroying your heart, your life, your worth and your destiny!!! Do you hear me?!? Do you understand? Can you see this?

This is not the time to lay down and retreat. Because the enemy is vicious. HE HATES YOU! He is trying to take you out. Not just for a moment, not just for a season, but FOR GOOD!!!! He wants you isolated, he wants you depressed, he wants you laid over in the fetal position, so that he can kick you again and again and again. He wants you to feel helpless, to feel alone, to feel dirty, disgusted with yourself—with your life. He wants you stressed, busy, so busy that you have no time to even notice what’s going on, or what he is doing. Business that blinds, that distracts, that takes over everything in your life so you have no time to be reminded of the Father’s love. So that you have no time to even hear the Holy Spirit, calling you, drawing you, singing over you. No, the only song he wants you to hear is the song of noise, the song of hate, the song of bitterness, the song of defeat. Over and over and over, this is what you hear, until finally one day, you begin to sing along with it. You come into agreement with it. You begin to believe it. To believe that it’s the only song out there, and therefore, it must be the truth.

This, THIS my sweet friends, is only a fraction of what we are up against. Here is the thing, what I just wrote about, is from my own experience, not someone else’s. Although, I am very much aware that the enemy has no original material. Therefore, you might be thinking, I am talking about you. Once again, we have found ourselves in only another deadly trap of comparison, of twisting, of envy, of self-centeredness. And the thought might have crossed your mind that I am “judging” you with this post. No…stop…just stop…

Stop, singing along to the song that that is literally killing you, as well as poisoning everyone around you. Stop, coming into agreement with the lie, that who you are right here, right now in this moment, is who you are going to be for the rest of your life. Stop, believing that where you are right here, right now, in this moment is where you are going to be for the rest of your life. Stop, buying into this culture that says that in order to be the “best you,” means that you have to be better than someone else. Stop, labeling people as the enemy and let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn within you against the true enemy.


This is the song that sing out one thing and one thing only. HOPE. Hope that at the end of the day, no matter what has been thrown at us, that we can stand firm in the TRUTH, that we are Sons and Daughters of the MOST HIGH GOD! Hope that sings out the song of a SAVIOR, JESUS, who NOT ONLY took our sin upon Himself and paid the price for it but also, stays WITH us throughout our own struggles, our own screw ups, and teaches us in the midst of the process. Hope that goes so freaking far beyond our own understanding, that it gives us the courage to even dream again. It gives us the courage to believe that we are made for more and that we have a destiny and a purpose. Hope sings of a Father that truly does love us more than we could ever understand. It sings of a friend that we have in the Holy Spirit, that was given as a gift to swallow up loneliness once and for all. This song is one of redemption, one of peace, one of power. It has the power to heal, ACTUALLY HEAL! It has the power to not just change your circumstance or situation, but it can actually change your perspective. It will wreck your heart and at the exact same time be putting it back together, the way it was meant to be. Hope sings of LOVE. Period. Do you hear me?!? Do you understand? Can you see this?

You can say no, to the lies! You can say no, to the exhausting banter within your mind that constantly tells you that you aren’t good enough. You can turn off the noise of the song of bitterness and defeat. This is YOUR life! Take it back from the enemy, and let the strength of the God who fights FOR YOU rise up within you as you choose to surrender to and worship HIM! You can choose to stand firm on the Word, choose to not just believe IN Jesus, but to actually, BELIEVE HIM!!! TRUST HIM!!!!! Find your HOPE IN HIM!!! Know that His grace is sufficient, no matter how many times you mess up! And come into agreement with THE GREATER SONG!!!! JESUS!!! OUR TRUE HOPE!!!


  1. Candy Ellis on September 21, 2017 at 5:58 AM

    Very well said!! Too many accepting these lies of the enemy as permanent conditions of life!!

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