

Invincible– “too powerful to be defeated or overcome.” A couple weeks ago I was at the beach with some friends and my friend Kourtney and I ended up coming across the same quote in two different pieces of reading material. It was:

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger- something better, pushing right back.”

-Albert Camus

I wasn’t exactly sure what to think about this, to be totally honest. I didn’t get it to its full extent when I first read it. I sure didn’t understand why in the world the Lord was highlighting it the way He was.

Summer, though…I LOVE summer!!! Most people hate it because of the heat and I respect that. However, there is a certain vibe that comes with this season, a certain essence. It’s sings songs of freedom, fun, mystery and spontaneity. It seems like people are more likely to take risks, go on adventures and explore as though they were kids again. There is more wonder in their eyes, more fire in their bellies, and more passion in their hearts. For me at least, it just has a way of bringing out my true self. It has a way of making me want to dream, write, sing, dance, laugh, go everywhere and do everything all at the same time! I want to chase sunsets, go on drives, play in the mud, travel to places I’ve never been, and do things I’ve never done all in the name of “JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT.” It feels like there’s no boundaries and endless possibilities.


Monday was my 29th birthday! I have mentioned before in one of my blogs about how much I love dates, because they make things special and extraordinary. So my birthday is, well of course, one of my favorites. On Monday morning I got up, got ready, went to one of my favorite coffee shops and went for a short walk. I was just talking with Jesus and reflecting on why I love birthdays so much. (I’m one of those people that constantly examines myself, so I was really making sure that my motives weren’t selfish.) The tears began to fill my eyes as I thought about it. THIS was the day, that the Lord chose to breath HIS breath into me. THIS is the day that HE put HIS GRACE upon my life. THIS is the day that HE began to write my story into HIS. THIS is the day that HE chose for me to be born out of 365 days. And every single bit about THIS day 29 years ago mattered to Him. The date, the time, the year, the family I was born into. THIS is something way more beautiful, than getting a bunch of gifts, or cards, social media posts, cakes, parties….etc. THIS is a foundation of worship, a platform to praise, and the beginning of HIS GOODNESS and PEACE surpassing my own understanding.

Every year on my birthday I chose to do something I’ve never done. Or it might be something I have done and I just add a new twist to it. The difference between this day and every other day of the year is that I add purpose to it. Purpose that wakes me up. Purpose that not only encourages my spirit but it overflows from within me to everyone around me.

So what exactly is the Lord wanting me to understand about the INVINCIBLE SUMMER? I think He wants me to start looking at every day as if it’s my birthday. This world belongs to the enemy, therefore, its goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. In other words, it wants to steal your joy, your wonder, your spontaneity. It wants to kill your child-likeness, your faith, your dreams. It wants to destroy your relationships, your identity, your community, your courage, your hope, your peace. It wants to suck you in to a winter of despair, routines, circles of bondage, fear, numbness, and snuff out even the smallest flame still flickering inside you. It wants to take the abundance out of life. BUT….(I love THAT word)…. There is something within that is stronger, that is better!!! With every breath your take, HE is breathing HIS GRACE upon your life for you to realize that within you there is a purpose, a fire, a song, a story, there is destiny.

So I’m saying yes to allowing the invincible summer to begin within me. I’m saying yes to doing one thing every day differently than I’ve done before. And I am saying yes to allowing the Lord to bring forth purpose and ignite an invincible fire within me of HIS Spirit to pour out love, joy, laughter, spontaneous adventures, risks, and freedom to all those around me.

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