Practical Farewell

farewellFarewell speeches are usually a bit sad because the person giving the speech is leaving or dying. I don’t give a farewell speech and then return to business as usual tomorrow. The crazy thing about the uncertainty of life is that we usually don’t know which day will be our last. A person who is 80 is well aware that they shouldn’t plan for 40 more years. When I entered my 50’s I realized that if the odds are correct, I’m well over halfway home to heaven.

Samuel the prophet was giving his farewell speech to the people of Israel. I think he’s going to still be around but his role is changing. He was the prophet and judge of Israel but they’ve asked for a king. He felt rejected as leader because they wanted a king to pretty much do what he did. The Lord reminded Samuel that it was He Whom the people had actually rejected. Nevertheless, the Lord gave them King Saul at their request. Samuel called for rain and thunder when it wasn’t the season for it and the people were fearful that God was going to punish them for asking for a king. Check this out…

20 ‘Do not be afraid,’ Samuel replied. ‘You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. 21 Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. 22 For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you his own. 23 As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. 24 But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. (1 Samuel 12:20-24 NIV)

I had a conversation yesterday with a young man who felt like if he died tonight he would not make to heaven. I asked why and he said because I’ve done too many bad things. I believe Samuel in this passage introduces grace of sorts. It’s not the grace that Jesus brought with his life that defeated death. This passage is showcasing the heart of God. The Lord loves His people and He wants the best for them. Samuel really challenges them to run after God’s heart and do not be drawn to idols. I’m not drawn to a carved image of a god, but my head can be turned by success and notoriety as an idol. I sometimes want things that are shiny and new instead of faithfully following the Lord. The Lord wants to be my hearts pursuit. He is a jealous God. He wants me to love Him with my whole heart. When I really take the time to listen to Him and look at my life, I really want Him to have all of me. I realize that I have to work to provide for my family, but I want my work to honor Him as well. I want to live today with a clear picture of what He has done and is doing in my life. I never know when this day might practically be my last. I want to live today like it could be my last day here on earth. If I have tomorrow, I’ll live like it’s the last one too.

I’m thankful for the grace and mercy of God that leads me to do what is right and repent of the stupid, selfish things I’ve done.

Pressing On!


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