
businessman making decisionThis is a conclusion that I come to after I’ve considered other options. I make decision based on knowledge, experience and information. There are times I’ve looked back on some pretty stupid decisions I’ve made. When given the information I had at the moment of decision, I did the best I could. I really want to be a good decision maker. Just about everyone in the world makes decisions multiple times each day. Some decisions are small and seemingly insignificant, while other decisions are very weighty and significant to my future. Sometimes a decision NOT to do something is more important that a decision TO DO something.

I started reading the book of Daniel this morning. I believe Daniel made a decision early on that set the entire course his life as a captive of the king of Babylon. Check this out….

4 King Nebuchadnezzar wanted only young Israelite men who had nothing wrong with them. They were to be handsome and well educated, capable of learning and understanding, and able to serve in his palace. Ashpenaz was to teach them the language and writings of the Babylonians. 5 The king gave the young men a certain amount of food and wine every day, just like the food he ate. The young men were to be trained for three years, and then they would become servants of the king of Babylon. 6 Among those young men were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah from the people of Judah.
7 Ashpenaz, the chief officer, gave them Babylonian names. Daniel’s new name was Belteshazzar, Hananiah’s was Shadrach, Mishael’s was Meshach, and Azariah’s was Abednego.
Daniel decided not to eat the king’s food or drink his wine because that would make him unclean. So he asked Ashpenaz for permission not to make himself unclean in this way. (Daniel 1:4-8 NCV)

I believe that when Daniel decided not to eat the king’s food – his future changed and his faith in God became crystal clear. He set the course of his future with that one decision. I imagine that the food was prepared in such a way that it might appear to not be such a big deal to eat the kings food – after all it was food. Daniel started living by the convictions and principles of his faith early on and it set in motion many life changing events to come.

I believe that one decision I make today can completely alter the course of my life for good or for bad. I need to make my choices carefully and with wisdom. I was just thinking of the decision that my wife and I made to have children – what a HUGE Future-changing decision. I look back on many decisions and know that the Lord was clearly leading and I look at other decision and wonder, “what was I thinking?”

I want to decide today to include the Lord in EVERY DECISION I make – big or small. I want Him to direct my path and keep my future in His hands. I believe that my decisions when prompted by Him will ALWAYS be right!

Pressing On!

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