
I have been to many sporting events to cheer for “my team” and gone away feeling horrible. A few years ago, I started to worry less about the loss of my favorite team because it really had very little impact on my life at home or my career. The ones affected directly are the ones playing the game and the schools involved. It’s a source of pride and also a source of money as the team advances in tournament play.

I’m also reading a book about Abraham Lincoln called “Team Of Rivals” and I’m beginning to understand the devastation that our country went through to settle such marked differences in opinion, philosophy and lifestyle. Devastation is a big huge word with lots of pain associated with it.  The word implies destruction or damage along with overwhelming shock and grief. Jeremiah speaks in the midst of devastation. Check this out…..

 14 “He has noticed my sins;

    they are tied together by his hands;

they hang around my neck.
    He has turned my strength into weakness.

The Lord has handed me over

    to those who are stronger than I.
16 “I cry about these things;

    my eyes overflow with tears.

There is no one near to comfort me,

    no one who can give me strength again.

My children are left sad and lonely,

    because the enemy has won.”
18 Jerusalem says, “The Lord is right,

    but I refused to obey him.

Listen, all you people,

    and look at my pain.

My young women and men

    have gone into captivity. (Lamentations 1:14, 16,18 NCV)

 The pain and struggle of devastation is real and in my face as I read through chapter one from this great prophet. His pain, struggle and reflection is intense.  As I reflect on life today, there are places in the world where such devastation still exists. There are people who are living through this right now.

I wonder how I would handle devastation of this magnitude.  I hear people talking about the path that our country is on and the devastation that looms in the future if we don’t change course. I’m not smart enough to know all the dangers we face from a fiscal point of view. I do believe that we have moved far from the Lord in our country. We have become full of our selves and very self-centered. Our moral fiber isn’t very strong. We’ve made truth relative instead of absolute.  I guess in a way, I’m lamenting about where we are compared to the nation we could be. I would love for our nation to really be “one nation under God.” I believe that the leadership of our country should seek the heart of God prior to decisions being made.

It is my prayer that the Lord returns to take His children home before devastation like Jerusalem saw ever comes here. No matter what, I want to hold tight to the One Who can hold me tight in any and every circumstance. I don’t ever want to let go of Him!

 Pressing On!

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