Youthful Commitment

I remember as a young kid how I trusted the Lord. I grew up in a home where there was respect and love for God. My parents lived out their faith in front of me. I remember simply loving God with my whole heart. As I grew older and had more things coming at me,…

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Not So Young

I remember when I was younger and I thought that people my age were pretty old. I mean they got tired easily, they took afternoon naps, and went to be early.  When I was young I thought I would stay young forever. There are days even now I feel very young and spunky. There are…

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Getting Old

I probably shouldn’t say “I’m getting old” – the fact is that “OLD” is a relative term. Some people would say you’re only as old as you feel. That’s not necessarily true, but some age more gracefully than others. On most days I “feel” pretty young. On other days I feel older than my parents. …

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