
I was taught physical work when I was a kid growing up. My parents had lots of work to do around our mini farm. There were cows to milk in the morning and the evening. There were weeds to pull and a garden to tend.  We had a lot of grass to cut as well.…

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Stand Still & Watch

We are in Football Season here in the South and it’s nearly its own religion. It is a bit fun to watch grown men and women get so excited watching other people do stuff. I admit that I like a good football match up. I remember hearing someone say years ago that football is a…

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  There are some days when I need relief. I feel spent emotionally and physically on some days. On days that are hard, I look forward to some relief sitting in my chair resting and relaxing. Relief is a bit of a variable. What might be relief for me, might possibly be frustration and stress…

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Less Stressed

I am still learning to handle stress and not let it affect every other relationship. It’s not my wife’s fault that things at work can be stressful, so why should she be affected. I know that she will listen if I need to talk about it. I also know that she wants to help bear…

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I Know

There are things that I know and believe to be true, but I can’t prove them. I have confidence in the Lord that others probably think is stupid. I have been through some sufferings and struggles in my life and the Lord was there with me and walked with me through it. The Lord’s Presence…

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No Worries

  It’s easier to say, “no worries” than it is to not worry. When I say, “no worries”, I usually mean I’m not worried so the other person shouldn’t worry either. I’ve heard the old adage: “Worry is a lot like a rocking chair – It will give you something to do, but won’t get…

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