
I am not a huge conspiracy theorist person. I am a fan of NCIS and shows like it because they always get their guy. There is often an elaborate scheme to hide the truth, which is what I think of when I think of cover-up. King David sees Bathsheba taking a bath and instead of…

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Silent Treatment – Speak Up

There have been times when I’m in a meeting and feeling compelled to say something, but I hold it back. I’ve learned the value of timing. I’ve also learned to speak up because I might say what everyone else is thinking. I have to keep a check on my ego for sure so that I’m…

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Appropriate Response

There have been times when I laughed at something that should have made me sad. I have also had times when I simply said the wrong thing in response to an event that happened. I see a difference between response and reaction. A response should be thought out and measured. A reaction is quick and…

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I still have a pretty good memory even though I’m over 50 years old. There are times it seems to be “slipping gears” when I can’t remember someone’s name whom I’ve known for years. Some things I’d like to forget, I actually still remember. I remember some of the biggest mistakes of my life. I…

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Direction & Protection

Sometimes I pray what some may call a silly prayer. Just yesterday, I needed a small part for my pool pump, and it was after hours that the Pool Store would be opened. I talked to the Lord about this and I thought that I had kept the part from an old filter in the…

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Repent & Return

If I decided to make a list of all the wrong things I have done, it would be a long read. It might be somewhat entertaining, but I would be absolutely humiliated and embarrassed. The crazy thing is, that the Lord knows EVERYTHING I have done, said or even thought about, and He accepts me…

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