
I don’t consider myself to be a rule breaker. I struggle with some rules but mostly I stay between the lines. My biggest struggle is most often driving the speed limit. I just like to get where I’m going as efficiently as possible. It would be helpful if I would learn that the journey to…

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I remember playing a game as a child called “Simon Says”. The leader called out something we were supposed to do, like touch our head. The follower was supposed to do the task ONLY if the leader said “Simon Says…”  Another game we played was, “Mother may I”. We were told to do a task,…

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Make Disciples

Our church’s mission is: “Make disciples who make disciples”.  I remember the literary rule when reading a sentence like this… the “you” is implied.  The last words of Jesus while He was on earth with His followers was for them to go and replicate themselves.  Jesus’ disciples had been with Him around three years. They…

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When I was a kid, I was a follower. I wasn’t usually the one stirring up trouble unless I was following the lead or influence of someone else. I was easily influenced and felt the peer pressure to look and act like others.  I had accepted Jesus and considered myself a Christian. I was known…

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From a Distance

The older I get the more challenging my eyesight. I went to the eye doctor last week for my annual checkup and my prescription needed a slight change. I need corrected vision for seeing at a distance and up close. I’ve been to concerts in arena’s and sat up close. I’ve also been to events…

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I have been sold things that I didn’t need. I have had high pressure sales pitches and occasionally I’ve fallen prey to them. If you’ve ever been to a resort with time-share options and been through one of those “sales introductions”, then you know what I mean. They really apply the pressure until you say…

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