
I am not in the habit of fasting. I see it as a discipline that when I take a break from something (like food, or social media), I should replace that time with prayer and time spent with the Lord. I definitely don’t think this should be announced or a big deal made of it.…

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Flooded With Light

I have flood lights on my house. When I turn them own or if motion turns them own, I want them to illuminate a large area around my home so that I can possibly see what or who is out there. I do admit that I like daylight better than darkness. It seems that more…

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Therapeutic Prayer

There have been times in my prayer life that as I heard my prayer out loud, I saw and felt it quite differently. I pray mostly with unspoken words. I do believe that prayer feels different when spoken aloud. I will often pray aloud when I’m alone with the Lord. In Job’s first response to…

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Heart Test

I’ve seen some amazing technology related to testing the heart. I’ve seen the medical team put dye in the veins of a human to see the blood flow through the heart. This test reveals blockages or how well the heart is functioning. They can also do an ultra sound of the heart to investigate the…

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I’m not a huge fan of tests. I don’t like taking tests even when I feel very good about knowing the material that is on the test. When I served as an instructor, I didn’t like exams much either. I saw the angst that the test caused students who had actually studied and participated in…

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