Punishment Then Restoration

I remember as a kid being punished by my parents. I remember spankings when I had really screwed up. I also remember being sent to my room prior to my punishment and then the old “disappointed in you” talk. That was sometimes more painful than the “board of education applied to the seat of understanding”!…

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Shallow Sin vs Deep Faith

I’ve been on both sides of this debate. I sometimes want what I want, and I go after it regardless if it’s healthy and good for me. I sometimes ignore the wise counsel of the Lord when He’s giving me subtle warnings or even shouting out the warnings. I do believe that sin is shallow…

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I am not in the habit of fasting. I see it as a discipline that when I take a break from something (like food, or social media), I should replace that time with prayer and time spent with the Lord. I definitely don’t think this should be announced or a big deal made of it.…

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Punishment & Restoration

I remember my parents telling me how much they hated punishing me. I’m pretty sure I heard that line: “this is hurting me more than it’s hurting you” and I didn’t believe a word of it. Until, I had kids of my own who needed punishment. Any parent who loves disciplining their children might just…

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Right Path

I remember growing up on a farm in Kentucky where we raised cows and also milked cows. When I was a kid, we milked 5 cows each day – morning and evening. The cows were creatures of habit. They had walking trails all across the hillside where they grazed on grass during the day. Each…

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Wise Up!

I’ve learned a lot over the course of my life. I’ve learned that stoves are hot. I’ve learned to get in out of the rain if possible. I’ve learned to respect people older than me. I’ve learned to discern what is wise and what is foolish. I wish I could say that I always choose…

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