Make Disciples

Our church’s mission is: “Make disciples who make disciples”.  I remember the literary rule when reading a sentence like this… the “you” is implied.  The last words of Jesus while He was on earth with His followers was for them to go and replicate themselves.  Jesus’ disciples had been with Him around three years. They…

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Following Jesus

I have been a Christian since I was in third grade. I will say that when I became a Christian, I simply knew that I wanted to go to heaven when I died. You might say I became a Christian out of fear rather than choosing a life of following Jesus. I have learned many…

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Deep Wounds

I am not afraid of blood. I recently had a minor altercation with a bar sticking out about head height while I was cutting grass with a riding lawn mower. When I hit the pipe, it about knocked me off the mower. After stopping to assess the damage, I didn’t feel blood, so I finished…

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Fair Weather Follower

My wife and I went to the Braves game in Atlanta with some young friends last Friday and had a blast. I realized that I’ve become a “fair weather follower” of the Braves. I knew only one or two players on the team. I don’t own a Braves shirt. I did wear a dark blue…

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Wise Up!

I’ve learned a lot over the course of my life. I’ve learned that stoves are hot. I’ve learned to get in out of the rain if possible. I’ve learned to respect people older than me. I’ve learned to discern what is wise and what is foolish. I wish I could say that I always choose…

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Wise Mentoring

  Mentoring is a word that I’ve noticed a lot in business. Mentors are considered wise and trusted counselors or teachers. Mentors have gone ahead of others and are happy to share the path to their success or accomplishment. Mentors do not have to know the people they mentor. For example, Zig Ziglar mentored me…

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