
This word is somewhat connected to the word perception. The word perception carries with it “an awareness, recognition, discernment, understand and emotion”. I might have a different perspective of the same event because of my perception. Perception and perspective are deeply personal and built upon my life’s journey. Some of the events of my life…

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Shallow Sin vs Deep Faith

I’ve been on both sides of this debate. I sometimes want what I want, and I go after it regardless if it’s healthy and good for me. I sometimes ignore the wise counsel of the Lord when He’s giving me subtle warnings or even shouting out the warnings. I do believe that sin is shallow…

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Stubborn & Stupid

I represent both of these words way too often. They usually act as cousins and often “play together”. When my kids were growing up we didn’t allow them to use the “s” word – stupid. I’m sure there are other “s” words that we didn’t allow as well. I’ve tried to make it a practice…

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Building A House

I still remember 23 years ago when my wife and I were designing and building our house. I was in full time ministry, so we were looking to build simple and cost effective. We built a simple 4-bedroom 2 bath on a full unfinished basement. I remember looking a house plans from a book and…

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Wise Up!

I’ve learned a lot over the course of my life. I’ve learned that stoves are hot. I’ve learned to get in out of the rain if possible. I’ve learned to respect people older than me. I’ve learned to discern what is wise and what is foolish. I wish I could say that I always choose…

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A Mediator is someone who brings two or more parties together into agreement, by compromise, removal of misunderstanding or reconciliation. The Mediator serves as an unbiased intermediary to settle disputes, disagreements or misunderstandings. In Georgia, you can choose mediation instead of going before a judge. The Mediator can issue judgement between parties and it can…

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