
I probably deal with being angry every day or so.  There are things that just don’t go the way I want them to go. For example, the car in front of me is driving way below the speed limit. I have lots of examples dealing with other people’s driving skills. JI also get frustrated with…

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Calm Down

I have had this said to me on more than a few occasions. When my emotions get stirred up and I say too much, I’ve been asked in a kind way to calm down. I’ve also been asked in a harsh way. I used to be a bit “wound tight” and it didn’t take much…

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Keep Calm

There are times that I’m very anxious in my spirit. I can get frustrated with someone or some thing. I can worry. I can be angry. I can be sad. My emotional swing can be quite large. This is not good for me as a follower of God. When I have major worry, major anger…

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