

prompt helpThe word prompted carries with it the words assisted or encouraged. I remember being prompted in school by the teachers. I was prompted with my homework. I was prompted with my behavior. Much of the prompting that I received in school was not optional – it was mandatory. I’m pretty confident that there will be all sorts of “prompting” until the day I die. I’m “prompted” to pay taxes and utility bills. I’m “prompted” to pay back any debts that I owe. I’m “prompted” to have the proper license to drive and I’m “prompted” to drive a certain speed. There are prompts that are optional and prompts that are NOT an option.s

The people of Israel – God’s People – had options as well. He wanted to be their God and He commanded that they do certain things and live a certain way. They always had the option to do it differently. The consequences of those options were not always positive. In many cases throughout the Old Testament, the Law seems to present a very harsh and condescending God. I believe God is and ALWAYS has been a God of Love and Grace. In the Old Testament the law restricted behavior and therefore some facets of relationship. Under the Law my relationship with God was actually through the leader (Moses) or the high priest. When Jesus came He changed the very nature of my relationship with God by granting me “direct access” to God.

The Israelites have just been given the Law from God. He also gave them very specific instructions about building a Tabernacle complete with the furnishings. This would be a place that God would dwell among the people as they moved toward the land that was promised them. Moses was to get special skilled craftsmen to build the pieces, but the resources came from the people. Check this out…

1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 ‘Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give. (Exodus 25:1-2 NIV)

I know a bit about this type of prompting. I believe that the Holy Spirit of God is the “Ultimate Prompter”.

I’m prompted me to give on many occasions.

I have been prompted to speak to a specific person.

I’m prompted to go to a certain place.

I’m prompted to keep quiet.

I’m prompted to love.

I’m prompted to serve.

This list could get really long. I believe that the very Spirit of God lives in me and uses me because my life is surrendered to the Lord. I want to be a sensitive and keen listener to hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit in me. I welcome the prompting of God because it helps me know that I’m in step with Him and I’m walking with His Will for me. I believe that the Lord prompted me to write these thoughts this morning.

Pressing On!


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