
Strength Level Measured on Thermometer Ultimate StrongThere are events and experiences that really rock my world – sometimes to the point of really shaking my faith.  There are things that happen that are hard to understand and process. I still believe the Lord helps me to overcome them all. His Presence directs my path as I meander through uncharted territory of struggle and pain. I sometimes feel like the struggle is going to take me out. But then…. But then, I remember His Promises, His Power and His Presence! It makes all the difference in the world. Check this out….

29 Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. 30 Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.”
31 “Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. 32 “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:29-33 NIV)

I can overcome any obstacle that I face when I have the Presence and Power of God in my life. I know for sure that it will not be a “cakewalk”, but I can overcome with Him. He positions me to not only survive tremendous difficulties, He actually helps me thrive and grow in the middle of trouble. His economy revolves around my trust in Him. His economy involves lots of mercy and grace for stupid choices and ignorant decisions. I am thankful for His Promise, His Presence, His Power and His Peace! It makes all the difference in my worldview!

Pressing On!

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