My History


My StoryI remember wanting to follow the Lord since I was in 3rd Grade. I became a Christ follower that year – I was baptized on a Sunday afternoon at a church in town because it was winter time and the creek would have been quite cold. I didn’t know a lot about following the Lord – I knew that I would be able to take communion (that little wafer and small little gulp of grape juice) to remember Jesus dying on the cross.  Since that time, I’ve been to multiple church services (too many to try to count), and I’ve sang songs and written songs about my journey with the Lord. I must say that every time I look back on my life, I have several incidents/choices that I’m simply not proud of. I wish I could have a “do over” on some of those choices. I’ve embarrassed myself and dishonored the Lord. I have never deliberately been disrespectful to Him, but I’ve clearly felt Him leading me and then I simply ignore His tug on my heart. The Lord was trying to lead me in His way and it was very much the best choice for me, but I kept insisting on my instant gratification or wanting my way “come hell or high water”!

Fast forward to today. I’m reminded in His Word that His people have a history of wandering away from following Him. He kept His promise to Abraham, but the people didn’t make it easy. They rebelled at nearly every turn. He would rescue them, they would repent and then they would run toward sin. It was a vicious cycle. There are times this cycle still repeats itself in my journey. I want to do the right thing every time and if I would wait upon the Lord before speaking or doing my “right thing ratio” would go up considerably.  I was reminded of my history with the Lord as I read Psalm 106. Check this out….

Praise the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.

Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord
    or fully declare his praise?
Blessed are those who act justly,
    who always do what is right. (Psalm 106:1-3 NIV)

The rest of this Psalm is like a “highlight reel” of Israel’s history of trusting God, then ignoring Him.  I have been there and done that. I’m so thankful for my journey with His Word that my stupid decisions are a lot less frequent and my pursuit of Him is much more promising and purposeful.  I’m thankful that He never gave up on me as I was so quick to give up on Him. I’m simply trying to walk out my faith in Him every day by doing what is right – saying what is right and cultivating a heart that is pursuing Him “all in”.

Pressing On!


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