Good Work & Word

Work Characters Shows Working Workers And Manual LaborI believe that work is honorable. Those who work produce something and often the work product serves others and not just themselves. I think of serving professions: Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMT’s, Physicians, Pastors, Teachers, REALTORS, etc.… This list could get very long. There is a joy that comes from serving others that is hard to explain. There is often a call to a certain profession or type of work. I used to watch a show called, “Dirty Jobs” where the host Mike Rowe interviewed and work alongside people who had dirty jobs. As I said earlier, I believe work is honorable because of the earnings as well as the service. I can take care of my family and serve them because I’m compensated for the service I provide for others. I love this blessing nugget that Paul shares with the church at Thessalonica in his second letter to them. Check this out…

16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word. (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 CSB)

The second part of that last sentence is “word”. I love hearing a well-spoken word. I can grow when I hear a word of encouragement, teaching or blessing. Almost a year ago, I discovered Podcasts on my phone. I know that they’ve been around for a few years, but I had mainly used my phone to talk on when in the vehicle. Lately, I’ve used my truck as a training center and I’ve tuned into Podcasts that are teaching me and helping me grow.

I enjoy DarrenDaily in my text messages each day.

I am a big fan of the Brian Buffini Show through iTunes.

Dave Ramsey’s team does a podcast called Entreleadership that has blessed me and built me.

Andy Andrew’s “In The Loop” is an excellent podcast as well.

Nothing I could ever find on this planet will replace the Word of God. I find wisdom and truth dripping from the pages of scripture. I believe that the Words of Scripture are divinely inspired by God and put in written form so that I can know Him and grow in His likeness. The podcasts and “self-help” stuff I listen to could never replace the truths and teachings from the Word of God.

I want to be a life-long learner. I want to take the principles found in the Word of God and weave them tightly into my life and my being. I want my life to produce both good work and good words.

Pressing On!


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