I remember as a kid having some “big dreams” about what I would do with my life. I’ve adjusted my dreams over the years. I’ve had some dreams that were simply not meant to be fulfilled. Other dreams have been realized even though I wasn’t paying attention to them. The older I get the more…
I remember as a kid the scandal called “Watergate”. I was just old enough to know something was wrong. It is my understanding that five people connected with President Nixon and the republicans burglarized the Democratic National Committee headquarters and then the Nixon Administration tried to cover it up. When the dust cleared there were…
I remember hearing my parents telling me years ago to pay attention. I didn’t quite understand, but over the years, I’ve learned just how valuable these two words have become. Pay attention doesn’t mean that I literally should “pay” someone named attention. Pay attention means that I should notice things. I should consistently be aware…
I like to dream. I like to have goals that accompany my dreams. Some dreams are scary and disturbing, while other dreams are filled with joy and excitement. I haven’t figured out how to manage my dreams that happen while I’m asleep. I have learned that the dreams I have while I’m awake need to…
As a REALTOR, I help people move all the time from one home to another. I have to confess that while it’s often exciting to be moving into a new home, I also think about all the stuff that has to be moved. My wife and I recently did some renovations to our home and…
I have noticed some interesting names of people over the years. Some very famous people have a “stage name” and sometimes it’s only one name – like Madonna, Beyoncé, Cher, etc.… They each have legal names that they would purchase property in and have credit cards issued in their legal names. Nicknames are also another…
This is a word that can used in geometry and architecture as well as in personal interests. I think it is related to “an agenda” that a person might have or their “angle” – which in this case might mean their perspective. I think everyone has an “angle” (aka secret motive) through which we operate.…
I have heard the phrase, “It more blessed to give than to receive” my whole life. I was taught at an early age to give. I think generosity is one of the most fun things to do for others, especially when they don’t see it coming. Giving can be great fun and I believe it’s…
This word is often associated with a negative event that is on the horizon or has even recently happened. I think there are lots of things that happen that are a much lighter struggle then others. I don’t watch a lot of wrestling matches. I’m not sure that most of what people call wrestling on…